Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Carol - wire fences between houses. Knowing everyone in street. No sewerage, gravel roads, footpaths, Saturday matinees at pictures, swimming pool old and new, open fire, wood stove, no hot water service, chooks, ice deliveries, billy put out for milk deliveries, baker horse & cart, mail deliveries twice a day by a real postie. Serials on radio. Postage stamp machine.

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Outside guttering tiled, scrubbed till it shone. Outside toilet and shed for briquettes. Very close to the old swimming hole. Wonderful memories of my childhood in Yallourn....Greta A friendly street and people - wonderful childhood...Avril

Immediate Neighbours: 9 - Matheson; 13 - Greer Nearby Neighbours: Graham; Humphries; Meadows; Collins; Mrs Tibballs; 6 - Benson

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Immediate Neighbours: Gill; Rear was Sparrow Nearby Neighbours: Scholes; Cleary; Wilson; Godding; Hutchinson

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Chris - Whistle blowing for work start & finish. Old black stove in kitchen. Outside toilet a terror until attached to house. Never had a garden. Dog kept for weeks only. YTC kids charging down Maiden St at lunch time en masse. Old copper kettle in laundry eventually replaced by wringer and washer. Briquettes for heating. Power failures. The house was tiny but mum kept everything clean and tidy. Every now and again, she would disappear and we would have to track her down at the Jenner's.

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Happy time. Hard for mum to look after Lauris who had lung complaint and not to be expected to live after many operations. Immediate Neighbours: Tom Knight; Annie Boag; Bill Hill; Harold Ennis

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Spent most of my childhood in this home, close to swimming pool and ovals where I spent most of my sport and leisure times. Walked to both state and high schools. A great town - unfortunately I had an SECV role...Doug Immediate Neighbours: Mr & Mrs Warren; Mr & Mrs George Gray; Mr & Mrs Blenkiron Nearby Neighbours: Coulthard; Johnston; Pennington; Benson; Hilditch

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

A wonderful time. Immediate Neighbours: 3 Latrobe Ave - Turner then O'Neill; on Parkway - Sutton, Walker then Stott, Schneider then McGregor Nearby Neighbours: Coutts, maddern; on Latrobe Ave - 5 - Anderson, 7 - Elliot

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

The great times we had with our neighbours, the Slades, building cubbies, playing cricket, cooking meals in our cubbies for mum & dad's lunch. In general, playing and having great fun. We always had a fun time living at No 8. We had great neighbours on all sides and some interesting ones in the 'Transit House'. Immediate Neighbours: Left Transit House; Right Foley; Opposite Slade & Ostlund Nearby Neighbours: Back neighbours - Kimberley, Seniors & Oliver

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

The briquette factory "blew up". Immediate Neighbours: Kirkwood Nearby Neighbours: Rainbow, Hill, Chapman

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

The great bushfire - all the cypress hedges burst into flames. A girl from Moe stayed with us. Very busy life in a country town; sport; church (Methodist) activities, walking in the bush. All the maintenance was provided by SEC. The war brought a new dimension to the town - air raid warnings, air raid shelters, black out rules. Immediate Neighbours: Bill & Rae Hattam (Myrtle, Jean, Teddy); Wiggins (Vern, Audrey, Jeanette) Nearby Neighbours: Dinsdale, Archer, Burmeister, O'Brient, Alexander (rear)

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Immediate Neighbours: Wiggins; Hutchinson: Emerson; Scott Nearby Neighbours: Cleary; Lawton; Sloan; Smith

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

The house was of good design and on a flat block which was a big improvement to previous home at Boola Crescent...Terry Wonderful views across the valley...Noelene

Immediate Neighbours: Butler Nearby Neighbours: Foy; 3 - Tabart (children Robert, Peter & Pamela)

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Neighbours: Connor across the road; Taylor down the road (Ken & Andrea Tilley)

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Polio epidemic, World War II - school closed and lessons by correspondence. Planes being shot at, air raid shelter in front yard. Dad going to war on 1st September (1939-1945). Bushfires...Nancy Immediate Neighbours: Stevenson, Mrs Martin, Dot Turvey Nearby Neighbours: Eril Stephens, Broberg, Whitaker, Connolly, Slade

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

We always raided the neighbours' fruit trees. Great memories. Immediate Neighbours: Botten Nearby Neighbours: Whitmore

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Taught at YHS in 1977 - student in 1961-1967. As a student at YHS, we lived at 27 Monash Rd, Newborough (bus stopped right outside front door) but taught at YHS in its final year, thus able to rent a house in Yallourn 1977-78. Coal dust - cold and foggy in winter. One hot water point over bath so I acquired a sink heater from YHS from the Staff room in the new building, top right hand corner of school. Immediate Neighbours: Tom Duff & wife

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Cricket, football in backyard in the street and at the green near traffic lights. Very competitive. Walked and rode bikes everywhere. Built huts in the bush of reservoir hill. Collected soft drink bottles from Eastern Rd Hostel for profit. Happy home with lots of visitors, great parties. Walked to schools, swims for great times. Lots of sport, scouts, pictures, dances at St John's and Civic Hall. Immediate Neighbours: Beanland; Scott Edgar; Geoff Gould Nearby Neighbours: Planner; Emmerson; Kingsley; Smith; Fred Jackson; Selby-Hele; Stevenson; Coad; Lynch

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

On 20 March 1930, Jim married Ellen (Nell) Murray McKie in Coburg, Melbourne. In May 1930 Jim & Nell moved into a new house at 7 Heather Grove. Yallourn Rifle Club was officially opened on 12 April 1930 President JM Bridge, Vice-Presidents RD Dixon, RA Hunt, W Brewer, C Boehm, G Dixon-Brown and T Evans, Secretary RC Saunders, Treasurer A Wyatt, Captain JT Garvin and Vice-captain A Lawrence. First child Christina Margaret Garvin was born in Melbourne on 26 January 1931. In September 1931 owing to curtailment of construction works Jim accepted a position with the survey section.

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

My bedroom was the front porch, a canvas roller blind on the outside. Was slightly damaged when explosion at Yallourn Briquette factory. Foundation and walls repaired. Graeme moved to 60 Fairfield Ave. Immediate Neighbours: 3 Hillside - Wiggins (Policeman); other side Terril? (Teacher Yall Tech) Nearby Neighbours: Temp school room; later air cadets depot, then a small playground

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

First house in that area to have a lounge chimney built middle 1930s - digging air-raid shelter. Moved to 1 Hillside. Immediate Neighbours: 3 - Newton