1 Tarwin Gve - Gunnill Family
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Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Grew up in house from my birth until I married Patricia Douglas from Morwell Bridge, then we lived in Tyers Ave. Mother remained in house until her death. Couple of photos of early days attached - none of the house itself at Narracan Ave - only the one "at the back & garage" and one of mother, self and electricity poles. Immediate Neighbours: Abel; Price; Scholes Nearby Neighbours: General Superintendent at end of street
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
A wonderful neighbourhood full of kids. Engwells, Frenchs, Coads (Broadway West), Houstons (Church St), Jim Evans (Broadway West, Cox and Backman families (Church St) and Kings in Broadway West. The Roberson family consisted of one boy (Mrs R first marriage) named Graham and twin girls. Graham was doing Yr 11 and I must have been about year 8. He always complained of getting a hard time from his step-father (I remember one complaint being that he had to clean his sisters shoes!!).
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
I remember milk deliveries (horse & cart), ice man delivery and the Rawleigh's man in his little Austin or Bedford Van. I can also remember the Day WWII ended in August 1945. Immediate Neighbours: Hyde - daughter Margaret? Son? Other side - Bill & Trixie Spicer Nearby Neighbours: 2 doors away Ron, John & Trevor McColl; across the road - Wharton
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
2km from Married Quarters to Yallourn Tech School. Learnt to swim in Latrobe River near Power Station
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Our first home as Mr and Mrs McAllister a lot of Yallourn residents - lived there while waiting allocation of home in Yallourn/Yallourn North
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
My father James [Jim] Thomas Garvin was born in Bendigo in 1905, he was educated at the Working Man's College, later renamed Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. In May 1926 Jim started work, as a Survey Assistant, in Yallourn. At this time Single Staff accommodation was provided in four man tents at the Western Camp with meals provided in the Staff Mess, which was still in operation in 1948. In March 1929 Jim was appointed as an Engineering Assistant to the Construction Branch Yallourn, at a salary of 7 pounds a week.
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
My 21st birthday, my marriage and the tallest Xmas tree in Yallourn with lights. Immediate Neighbours: Kath & Kevin Green Nearby Neighbours: Across the road - Mr Ingram (Fire Officer); Peter O'Neill (YFC legend)
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
My only memory is of a Robin Redbreast sitting on the clothesline and my father in pyjamas and dressing gown near the line. Before I was born, my parents lived in Narracan Avenue next door to Dinty and Ruth Williams
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Back fence on bush, burnt in 1944 fires. Playing chasey in house, through kitchen, bedroom, hall, lounge. Vegie garden, soil, manure supplied. Wood heap cut by father & Bill French. Late 40s - at last, inside flush toilet. Keeping chooks. Immediate Neighbours: Bill & Lila French (Murray & Trevor). Frank & Thelma Roberts (Douglas & Glenda) - Salvation Army Nearby Neighbours: 1 - Eric & Jean Webster (Barbara, Barry & Wally); 3- Mr & Mrs French (2 girls), then Elliot family; 5 - Grundy - Perc & wife (Graham & Robyn)
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Pop (George) was ex Boer War and WW1 - he introduced and taught first aid at the Yallourn SEC.