Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

The house was situated on a very steep part of the Coach Road hill and was difficult to access. During winter it was very damp and clothing and footwear regularly were mouldy. One good aspect of the house was the view from the lounge room windows across the valley. Immediate Neighbours: 4 - A Hawkins; 8 - Park Nearby Neighbours: 2 - Broberg; 10 - Lacey; 1 - Evans; Walker; Grant; White

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Yellow, lino kitchen, red carpet lounge, painted pale blue. Long walk to and from school but I always loved it. View from Coach Road was fantastic...Irene

Stuart - My room as a teenager was a work of art. The Beatles pictures lined one wall. Beer cans hung from the ceiling . Easy Beats pictures on another wall. A wooden stake hung from the wall above my bed in case of vampire attack. When I left Yallourn my parents left my room the same.

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

I have very happy memories of growing up in Yallourn and at school - both Primary and High School to Form 5, then I joined the National Bank. I transferred from there in 1955 (or 56) but my parents lived there until retirement when they moved to Melbourne. My sister, Betty, worked in Morwell, then Warragul for photographer Robert G Holley until she married in 1956. Betty now lives in Churchill but is not in good health and has never joined YOGA although is interested to hear news via me. Immediate Neighbours: Mrs Troak (West Cross) Mr Burke (Banksia St)

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Footy and cricket matches in street. Close proximity to great sporting amenities - so many kids!!! Friendly neighbours - milk and bread delivered. Wonderful place to grow up in and I still miss it to this day. Immediate Neighbours: Hill; Hower Nearby Neighbours: Shine; Dyson; Toohey; Wootten; Kelly; Garland; Botton; Metcalf; Knight; Boag; Ashmead; Tate; McMillan; English; Newton; Brown; Dupree; Crawford; Sloan; Donnett; Callinan; Spaull

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

My mother always complaining about the stairs.The SEC putting in our first electric stove and hot water system. Climbing up into the attic roof and making a cubby with Richard. Unfortunately, he fell through the plaster casting. Immediate Neighbours: Garland & Wootten Nearby Neighbours: Fogarty; Dyson; Heath; Foggo

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Winning the SEC Garden Comp 8 years in a row. How helpful the SEC was in looking after our needs. The number of children who lived in Boola res - as we were mostly newly weds. The only down side was not being able to make alterations to our home and poor TV reception which needed very tall antennas - which kept bending in the wind....Marje

Games in the street, playing junior football, swimming club days, first TV viewing in Shines' window....Kevin

Immediate Neighbours: Hawken; Tate; Kinsman; Proctor; Evans; McIvor; Graham

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Near ovals and swimming pool. Family played lots of sport. Yallourn was excellent for schooling and sport

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Coal dust! Back yard overgrown with fruit trees. Gold Privet hedge along front fence - our own Guy Fawkes night events - bread delivery by horse-drawn cart. New swimming pool. Theatre. Walking to school. Using dad's air rifle in back yard. Piano lessons. Immediate Neighbours: 26 - Frank & Pat Widdows; 30 - Bill & Lil Thouy Nearby Neighbours: 22 - Ashworth; 24 - Scott; English; Sagar; Wootten; Kelly; Metcalf; Love; Newton

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Very happy. Dad's lovely garden. Great to be so handy to the theatre. I walked across the road for my wedding. Playing cricket with the "Watties" on the vacant land next door before the theatre was built there. Close to school so went home for lunch. SEC always maintained the houses very well. It was a great place to grow up in but I hated school! Immediate Neighbours - Jim & Annie Watkinson & 6 children. The theatre was on the other side. Presbyterian Church was across the road.

Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy

Learning to ride bikes, playing in "the bush" with the girls (Wendy Black, Jill Chittern, Judy Robertson, Judy Rawiller). Everyone came to the back door - front was around out of the way. Parents moved to 19 Reservoir Rd approx 1972-73.

Published on 05/07/2010 in Tenancy

Published on 02/07/2010 in Place

Published on 02/07/2010 in Place

Published on 02/07/2010 in Place

Published on 02/07/2010 in Place

Published on 02/07/2010 in Place

Published on 02/07/2010 in Place

Published on 02/07/2010 in Place

Published on 02/07/2010 in Place