As per YOGA newsletter June 2005 Pages 5-8 Immediate Neighbours: Frost, Gleeson Nearby Neighbours: Ashmead, Alston, Murray, Dunstan, Reid
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Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Huge fuschia bushes and Joan loved to pop the flowers. Uncle Tom had a bench behind the shed out back. The bench was covered with hundreds of slaters and I remember playing with them. I played with Dennis Driscoll next door. I remember Auntie Audrey (Audrey Wiggins - later McAuliffe) often played with me in the garden. She was about 17 at the time. One night I woke up crying. Mum & dad were out and Auntie Mona put me in front of the kitchen fire to "watch the fairies". It did the trick. I remember feeling much better and every time I san an open fire with flames, I think of the fairies.
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Raising two boys in a great environment. Cubby house and swings etc in back yard. Good neighbours. Mrs Dick's shop across the road. Great sporting opportunities. Immediate Neighbours: Jim & Gwenda Hill; Jack & Edna Magnusson Nearby Neighbours: Keith & Judy Sutherland; Geoff Thomas; Molly & Roy McArthur; Geoff & Margaret Fullard; McConnell
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
This design of two-storey style had the tree front window frames type. A similar two-storey but smaller had the two front window frames. Immediate Neighbour: Jack Thorpe in Westbrook Rd
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Fond memories of the old reed-filled pool with running boards and the diving platform in the middle of the pool. All the ovals where we rode our bikes around. Playing in the air-raid shelters; the magpies swooping on us as we walked across to the 'Haunted Hills'. Immediate Neighbours: 30 - Millane; 32 - Evans; 36 - Grenfell Nearby Neighbours: Opposite - Whitehouse
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
On 13 January 1939, Black Friday - bushfires raged throughout Victoria causing over 70 deaths. At Yallourn 1,000 people fought desperately and successfully saved the town and the various SEC work facilities. During these fires, the rifle range was damaged and the Department of Interior provided 100 pounds to carry out repairs.
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Immediate Neighbours: Mr & Mrs Tom White and Molly, Bill & Penny Bowler (either side) Nearby Neighbours: Evans; Guy; Prestidge; Lansell; Whitehouse; Bottomley; Smith; Wilkinson (cousin); Robertson (behind); James (behind)
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Being the second house from the bush, cricket and football in the street. Lots of kids to grow up with. St John's Ambulance Cadets, PFA, Paper round. Immediate neighbours: 75 - Crookes; 79 - Flanigan Nearby neighbours: Back - King (Bruce & Russell Fairfield Ave); Opposite - Ashford, Slater & Norm Smith. 73 - Gapes
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
My mother and father came from Sweden and lived in Yallourn from 1926 - 1967. It had a small kitchen, lounge & 3 bedrooms - also a wash house as we called it. There was a pedestal bath; copper and two cement troughs. The toilet (dunny) was situated in the back yard. After the war ended in 1945, an inside toilet was built on the verandah. The neighbouring children always played games here. Immediate Neighbours: Doreen & George Roberts; Mr & Mrs Foley, Norm & Dennis Nearby Neighbours: Mr & Mrs Bill Mussared and their 11 children
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Only there as a baby - the butcher, baker & milkman came to house. I remember going next door to Mr & Mrs Rose and being shown the bomb shelter that they had in their front yard. It was amazing when I think about it now. We used to visit my grandparents who did not live very far away in Moondarra Place. We moved from here and went to live at 7 West Cross before I started school. Immediate Neighbours: Mr & Mrs Rose Nearby Neighbours: Mrs Huddy (ballet teacher), Mussared, Matthews, Foley
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Immediate Neighbours: 18 - ? & Myee Huddy (Dance Teacher); 22 - Randall Carolyn (Lyn)
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Fantastic - we had a big frontage on a dog leg in the road and across the back a wedge shaped yard meant three homes across the back, so with the front having three homes facing us in all, we had 8 neighbours! A bung of vegie patches, a lovely lawn to play on, the liquid amber trees to climb up in the summer, so you could hide in the leaves. The big piles of autumn leaves in the early winter smouldering away. We had a great time in our house, a fantastic place to have a family. Immediate Neighbours: Mrs Sagar, then Mrs Driscoll; Mr & Mrs Irving
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Early childhood, chook pens, ice delivered, night-pan collections, horse & cart traffic, walking to kindergarten and primary school. Immediate Neighbours: Broberg, Ross Nearby Neighbours: S Harris, Stewart, King
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
I remember being babysat by Dulcie (Teddy) Harris and a barmaid from the Moe RSL at the time, late 40s or early 50s. I remember Steve (Rhubarb) Harris talking about his trip over to Morwell on the bus. I lived at this address for the first 2-3 years of my life; then moved to 9 Fairfield Ave in 1951. Jan Turonek's dad doing feats of strength and stamina and endurance etc. Meeting a young woman named Jane when I was in a cot. My dad skipping rope to keep in shape for the Fire Brigade Demonstrations.
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Father didn't return to the SEC until end of 1949. He worked for other companies for a few years after his discharge. Immediate Neighbours: Cooper on one side (daughter June); Presbyterian Church on other. Salvation Army and St John's over road
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
The bushfires in 1944. School at Yallourn Primary School; The polio epidemic (Lynette had polio and was nursed at home); Wartime - air-raid shelters and army gun practice behind the swimming pool (anti aircraft puffs in the sky) - air-raid practice and blackout curtains. The scarlet fever and diptheria epidemics. I, like many others, spent time in Sale Hospital...Pauline Immediate Neighbours: Art & Edna Cooper; Mr & Mrs English (either side) and Sinclair & Pooley (behind)
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
Such happy memories. Immediate Neighbours: Hayes, Bowler Nearby Neighbours: Martin; Cooke; Mussared; White; Tibbles; Smalley; Armstrong; Stevens; English
Margaret Jones wrote: I lived at 6 Broadway West in a cream stucco house, trimmed with dark green, along with my parents Claude & Leila and sisters Beverley and Patricia Jones. We went to Yallourn in 1938 where dad took up a position at Yallourn Technical School teaching Mechanical Drawing, Maths & Science.
Published on 11/07/2010 in Tenancy
The house was situated on a very steep part of the Coach Road hill and was difficult to access. During winter it was very damp and clothing and footwear regularly were mouldy. One good aspect of the house was the view from the lounge room windows across the valley. Immediate Neighbours: 4 - A Hawkins; 8 - Park Nearby Neighbours: 2 - Broberg; 10 - Lacey; 1 - Evans; Walker; Grant; White