Title | Body |
First Female To Rent In Yallourn | Leonne Shinn (Krygsman) was the first female SEC employee to rent a house in Yallourn - 2 Latrobe Ave. When first married in June 1972, they couldn't live in Yallourn because husband, Peter, didn't work for the SEC. |
"Ordinary People, Extraordinary Town" | Latrobe City Link Feature - 2003 |
Yallourn Baseball Club | Can anyone help with any history of the Yallourn Baseball Club? They "lived" on No 5 Oval on Eastern Road. Any photos would be good. I have just created the Group because, until Mark D'Alterio told me last week, I didn't know Yallourn had a baseball club. |
Yallourn Fountains | Paul Vincent YHS 1962 - Yallourn Fountain - wrote in 2004 - I was driving to Glenmaggie Weir one day and, lo and behold, a Yallourn fountain was spotted, sitting in a private garden in Heyfield! Yes, it even works and has the original copper lights still mounted inside (although the centre pole is now painted white). Was unable to speak to the property owner, as they were out, but will be returning to find out how the hell it was transported there! Lachlan McPherson YHS 1962 - wrote 2004 - Loved the photo of ONE of the Centre square fountains (where's the other?)….and I certainly… more |
Sir John Monash - ANZAC Day | Sent by John Evans: Soon after, General Monash gained a small but decisive victory at Hamel. It was important for the tactics that Monash used. A combination of infantry, air support, tanks and artillery that had not been used before. This became the blueprint for the Battle of Amiens, on 8 August, ‘a black day’ for the German army according to General Ludendorff. The ANZAC divisions (which included one NZ division) along with the Canadians formed the spearhead for this attack… more |
Yallourn Sign Query | Does Anyone know anything about this Yallourn Signage up near the reservoir somewhere? What was it for? It was obviously meant to be seen from the air. Why was it there? When was it put in? I had heard a rumor it was installed during the war to try and confuse potential bomb droppers but I'm not sure how much truth there is in this. |
House Removal Photo Query | Does Anyone know anything about this photo? Or what house this is? I think it is in Banksia Street |
Married Quarters 1954-58 | Happy New Year to all - I have just received an email from Gaele Sobott - can anyone help please? "I have just joined Virtual Yallourn. It is a wonderful site. I was born in Yallourn in 1956 - delivered by Dr Andrew. I am currently doing some research to find information about Yallourn during the fifties. My parents - Allan and Gladys Sobott - didn't stay there for very long (about 4 years). They lived in a placed that was nicknamed 'Cuddles Corner'. I assume this was the married quarters and I think it was near East Camp. Can anyone confirm this? They lived next door… more |
An Excursion to Yallourn | |
Yallourn Tribute Video |