Happy New Year to all - I have just received an email from Gaele Sobott - can anyone help please?

"I have just joined Virtual Yallourn. It is a wonderful site. I was born in Yallourn in 1956 - delivered by Dr Andrew. I am currently doing some research to find information about Yallourn during the fifties.

My parents - Allan and Gladys Sobott - didn't stay there for very long (about 4 years). They lived in a placed that was nicknamed 'Cuddles Corner'. I assume this was the married quarters and I think it was near East Camp. Can anyone confirm this? They lived next door to a Cypriot family Mr and Mrs Krytikos. They were friends with Mr and Mrs Ironside and some people with the surname of Lazarus. I can't find these names on the site. My mother worked in the hotel with Mrs Ironside and my father drove the euclid loaders in the then new open cut at Yallourn North. I would really like to speak to someone who knows more about this time and if I'm lucky maybe find some relevant photos."
