Year (OLD)

Back Row: Stephen Reed, ?, Ken Stewart, Colin Broberg, Andy Smee (Morwell), Ian Campbell (Morwell), David Ferguson, ?, ?, Martin Junker(Morwell)
Middle Row: Dale Hawken, Rod Hawken, Roslyn Risinich, Penny Bowler, Robyn Kenny, Norm Risinich, Sherri McKean, Betty Ashton, ? , John Tulloch
Front Row: Claire Sagar, Vicki Cullen, Carole Sagar, ?, Tom Jensen, Margaret Jensen, Sandra Prust, ?, Bev Walton, Lee Cooper


i recognise david ferguson (back-row 4th from right) and sandra prost blond to right of chapperone; that would make it 1966


Back Row (L-R), ?, ?, Ken Stewart, Colin Broberg, Andy Smee (Morwell), Ian Campbell(Morwell), David Ferguson, ?, ?, Martin Junker(Morwell)
Middle Row(L-R), Dale Hawken, Rod Hawken, Roslyn Risinich, Penny Bowler, Robyn Kenny, Norm Risinich, Sherri McKean, Betty Ashton, ? ?.
Front Row (L-R), Claire Sagar, Vicki Cullen, Carol Sagar, ?, T.B Jensen, ?, Sandra Prust, ?, Bev Walton, Lee Cooper


Stephen Reed top row extreme left, girl front row, third from right is familiar - one or two years ahead of me (Langmead, I will look at reunions), girl front row second from right looks like Celia Hibbert, but could be too young, Vicki Cullen left school end of 1965, or '66 I think, photo is her, a Kenny (or Parry) on Risinich's left, middle row girl far left Dale Hawken, I'm not sure. Dale left school maybe 1965, '66.

It is Dale Hawken , Rodney partnered her. They were our neighbours in Yallourn. I think Ian Cambell partnered Sherri Mc Kean, Andy Smee partnered Ros Risinich, and her brother Norm partnered Penny Bowler, I am sure that Colin Broberg partnered Betty Ashton. I am pretty sure that it is Bev Walton and also that is is Vicki Cullen

Thanks Kevin. Sherri and Bev did everything together. I look at deb photo and think it's not Bev, I look again and think it may be Bev. Yes, it is Vicki Cullen. I remember Dale Hawken, a person, like Penny Gloss, who have left a lifetime impression on me, for no particular reason. I clicked on preview, don't know where my other comments went, so have repeated comments. This time I will click on save.


My partner was John Tulloch from Yarragon (second row far right). I recently ran into Sherri McKean on a flght Newcastle to Gold Coast. Haven't seen her since we left school. Had a short chat. Amazing how none of us have changed!!!