Back Row: Robbie Thorpe, Ronnie Lee, Mark Dunwoodie
2nd Back Row: Martin Francis, Kerry Evans, Jillian Woods, Annette Long, Elaine Coad, ? , Ian Jardine
2nd Row: Gary Smith ?, Ian Griffiths, Ken Tate, Dale ? , Robert Crookston, Mark Hawken, Neville Pattle, Greg Yelland, Miss Robertson/Mrs Geppert
Front Row: ? , Wendy Brimacombe, Kathy Harrison, ? , ? , Julie Glasper, Karen Woods, Valerie Hedt, Susanne Horsey ?
Front row third from the left, I finally got a seat at the front...Kathy Harrison
Yallourn Primary School
2nd back row ?, ?, Jillian
2nd back row ?, ?, Jillian Woods, Annette Long, Elaine?
2nd front row 3rd from right Mark Hawken, next to him one of the Crookston boys
2nd back row ?, ?, Jillian
2nd back row ?, ?, Jillian Woods, Annette Long, Elaine Coad
2nd Row: ? , Ian Griffiths, Ken Tate, ? , Robert Crookston , Mark Hawken, ?, ? , Miss Robertson/Mrs Geppert
Ok - here goes: Fourth Row.
Ok - here goes:
Fourth Row. Robbie Thorpe, Ronnie Lee, Mark Dunwoodie.
Third Row, Marty Francis, Kerry Evans ?, Jillian Woods, Annette Long, Elaine Coad, ? , Ian Jardine
Second Row. Gary Smith?, Ian Griffiths, Ken Tate, Dale ?, Robert Crookston, Mark Hawken, Neville Pattell, Greg Yelland.
First Row. ?, Wendy Brimacombe, Kathy Harrison, ?, ?, Julie Glasper, Karen Woods, Valerie Hedt, Jenny Tyrell.
Our teacher was the wonderful Miss Robertson who left for term holidays and returned as Mrs Geppert.
Apologies if I have made a mistake and to those whose names I can't recall - I do know you but need more thinking music.