
Yallourn Horticultural Society - some jottings by Marj Brogan:

• An Annual Show was held in either Kernot Hall or Centre Hall (dependent on the number of Entries)
• Marj Brogan was the Secretary for many years. She was in that position at the demise of Yallourn
• The YHS Funds (at the folding of the YHS) were given to the Moe Garden Club. A trophy in the name of YHS was competed for Annually at the Moe Garden Club Shows.
• People who were active in the YHS and its Shows were:
- Austin Lynch (Vegetables)
- Jack Lambourne ( Vegetables)
- Lucy Dupree (Flowers)
- Wally Dupree ( Bonsai)
- Joe and Mrs Gordon ( mostly Vegetables)
- Marj Brogan (Floral Art)
- Marion Apps ( Decorated cakes)
- Gwen Spaull (various)
- Norma and Bill Smith (various)
- Jock Lawson ( various)
- Mr and Mrs Hattam ( Dahlias)
- Helen Butler (various): Helen worked in the Parkway Nursery and had wonderful knowledge of the Botanical Names of Plants.
• A Princess of Flowers competition was very popular with the little ones
• We had the pleasure of Kevin Heinz attending a number of our Meetings over the years. His lectures were always very informative. Kevin was also a Judge on a many occasions at our Shows.