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June 2003 Newsletter - Marion Kossatz (O'Hara) YHS 1945

Marion Kossatz (O'Hara) YHS 1945 Matriculated from YHS in 1950 and went to Melbourne Teachers' College in 1951 – qualified as a trained Primary Teacher at 18. I was not old enough to go to University so joined the Primary Service in Vic. I taught till my marriage in 1958; compulsorily resigned and had my 3 children during the next 10 years - Peter, Leanne & Jim. I went teaching again as Principal to the allace Public School near Ballarat in 1968 and continued to teach until 1992 by which time I had taught in Primary and Secondary Schools in ACT and retired as the Computer Consultant… more

June 2003 Newsletter - Jan Houston (McHenry) YHS 1952

Jan Houston (McHenry) YHS 1952 Wrote about their grandson, Rhys, a very intelligent, gorgeous young boy, who attends Tanjil Sth Primary. He should have been in Grade 4 but was placed in an accelerator Grade 5. Because of this, he was able to go on a snow camp to Mt Baw Baw for a school excursion. Once up there, the kids had proper skiing lessons and it was on his third day that while practicing, the boy in front fell, Rhys skiid around him but unfortunately hit ice, lost control and plummeted into a tree - head first. This happened about 3pm and immediately the Ski Patrol were called and… more

June 2002 Newsletter - Rob Morgan YHS'1959

Rob Morgan YHS'1959 "OUR 2002 YHS REUNION AND ULYSSES CLUB AGM TRIP" for next newsletter, which included....... Greetings to all fellow YOGArians and very glad that you take the time to stay in touch. We all share a very unique bond that becomes stronger with each event, like the recent '1960's Reunion at Woorabinda. So, a bit of history of myself - I came to Yallourn from Mt Beauty, along with brothers Geoff and Steve, in May'1962. Geoff and l fitted into Form 48 with the names of Log and String respectively, whilst Steve slotted into Form 1A with the name of Monkey, all of us managing to… more

June 2002 Newsletter - Merle Walpole (Wood)

Merle Walpole (Wood) died last year, aged 85 years. The late Mrs Walpole was born at Geelong but completed her secondary education at Yallourn High School when her family (Florence and Amos Wood) moved to Yallourn in 1927. During her teenage years she led a full life being a member of various youth groups, the Girl Guides and later Rangers, as well as continuing her studies in classical ballet. She was also a member of the Yallourn dramatic society and took part in numerous productions in Yallourn. After leaving school she was appointed registrar of births and deaths in Yallourn as well… more

June 2002 Newsletter - Marie Braet (Ellis) YHS '1953

Marie Braet (Ellis) YHS '1953 Sent in some information about her family from Yallourn. John Thomas Ellis (Jack) and Mary Ellis (Molly) arrived in Yallourn in 1940. Jack was a painter with the SEC and they had lodgings with Mrs Alexander until a house became available. They were allocated 57 Church Street in the latter part of 1941 where they lived until they moved to 5 Maryvale Rd, where they remained until the demise of the town.

They went on to have six children – Marie 1941, Sheila 1942, Bernadette 1943, Brian (19451974), Kevin 1947 and Patricia 1953, all of whom attended St… more

June 2002 Newsletter - lrene Hunnam (Park) YHS 1952

lrene Hunnam (Park) YHS 1952 Shares her memories of Yallourn Hospital with us. lrene's husband, Alan, has recently become ill and we send them both our very best wishes. Remembering the Old Yallourn Hospital: I was one of the very early nursing trainees at the Latrobe Valley Community Hospital in Yallourn, commencing there in 1957. On arrival, I was given a furnished room in the student nurses' home and issued with a grey uniform, resplendent with stiff starched collar, cuffs, cap and white apron. To complete the uniform, I was given a purple cape with the insignia of the LVCH in gold… more

June 2001 Newsletter - Winton McGoll YHS 1959

Winton McGoll YHS 1959 Sent the following article: YALLOURN CHILDHOOD MEMORIES What was it like for a young boy growing up in Yallourn? Growing up as a boy in Yallourn was about as ideal as any budding Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer, or should that be 'Smiley', could possibly dream of. I was born at the Yallourn Hospital in November 1946, a baby boomer. With 3 older brothers (Ron, John and Trevor) in a neighbourhood of kids my own age. Those early years were full of summers. Did it ever rain? I am sure my mother could have reminded me of the miserable days when it was too cold and wet to… more

June 2001 Newsletter - Harold Park

Harold Park died peacefully aged 90 years on 16th January 2001. Harold has been a dear friend to me and my family since 1967 when his son, Stuart, and I became friends at school. Their home then became my 'second home' and I chose to spend more time there than my own (2 bossy sisters at home probably had something to do with that, plus I was spoilt rotten by 'Mrs & Mrs Pee'). We spent many hours’ playing cards & scrabble, listening to Beatles records, drinking many cups of tea, eating marmalade & toast for breakfast and all puffed away on cigarettes (probably another reason). 1… more

June 2001 Newsletter - Grace James (Catchpole) YHS 1945

Grace James (Catchpole) YHS 1945 Wrote to say she was off to the "Stitches & Craft" Show with neighbour Fay Wood (Johnson). Fay was a year behind Grace at Yallourn Primary and High School. While they are away, their husbands, who are volunteers for TADVIC (Technical Aids for Disabled, Victoria) are going to work on a baby cot so that mum, a paraplegic, will be able to get her wheelchair under the cot to attend to the baby. They are also going to adapt the dropsied to two swing gates to make things easier for her to manage. Thank you to Marie McFaul (Elmar) for her good wishes. Grace… more

June 2000 Newsletter - Keith Fletcher (YHS 1940)

The Fletchers - Yallourn 1928 - 1978 Keith Fletcher (YHS 1940) was born at Yallourn Hospital to parents George & Cecilia. They arrived from England in 1924 and George started with the SEC as an Electrical Trades Assistant in the Electrical Workshops (and progressed in a very short time to foreman and upon his death in 1959 he was Electrical Workshops' Superintendent). The family soon moved to 5 Reservoir Rd; rental was 5 shillings per room per week. Joyce Fletcher was born in 1931. Over the years, the Fletchers also lived in Tarwin Grove and Stzelecki Rd. The briquetting industry got… more