The story on the Virtual Yallourn website, written by Winton McColl in June 2015, regarding amateur boxing in Yallourn, prompted a search of local newspapers. Several articles related to boxing were found including the following report regarding a program of events conducted by the Yallourn Boys’ Club in 1954.
In his story, Winton mentioned the prowess of John Backman in boxing contests in that era. The news report below refers to John’s victory (over Brian Edwards of Morwell); and also lists the results of other Yallourn boys who participated in the tournament that night in the St John’s Hall.
Note: The news report was published in the ‘Morwell Advertiser’ in November 1954 and shows the boys’ fighting weights in stones and pounds. For example, John Backman ‘weighed in’ at 8.3……. 8 stone 3 lbs (pounds); that is equivalent to approximately 51 kilograms. The weight of the each contestant suggests that several boys were quite young when they made their ‘entry to the ring’ that night.
29th November 1954 Morwell Advertiser Page 11
Boxing and wrestling
St. John's Hall, Yallourn, was well filled on Friday night last, when the Yallourn Boys' Club staged a Wrestling and Boxing Tournament in aid of club funds.
Nineteen bouts were contested between members of the local club and representatives of the Morwell, Newborough, Warragul and Traralgon Clubs. All the bouts were closely contested and showed expert coaching.
The wrestling bouts were refereed by Mr. Bruce Clasby, who, until 12 months ago, when he transferred to Morwell, was instructor of the local club from its inception, and is well-known in amateur wrestling circles throughout the State.
The boxing contests were judged by Mr. Jan. Poelsna*(see below), ex-champion of the Netherlands, who now resides at Newborough.
The club wishes to thank the donors of trophies, and all those who helped in any way to make the night such a success.
Results of the various bouts were as follows:
P. Jones 9 st. (Yallourn) d. Bill Stewart 8.4 (Morwell);
Ray Scott 5.3 (Yallourn) drawn bout David McGuffy 5 st. (Morwell);
T. Bell 10.5 (Morwell) d. Brian Lappin 11 .st. (Newborough);
Geoff Goruak 6.9 (Morwell) d. R. Griffiths 6 st. (Morwell);
Peter Wilson 5.10 (Yallourn) d. J. Burgess 5.7 (Morwell);
Ray Perrin 8 st. (Traralgon) d. K. Dean 8.3 (Morwell);
Merv. Corbett 7.12 (Morwell) d. Peter Newton 7.12 (Yallourn);
John Backman 8.3 (Yallourn) d. Brian Edwards 8.3 (Morwell);
Don Pratt 5.12 (Morwell) d. Marty Wykes 5.8 (Morwell);
John Storrie 5.4 (Morwell) d. John Sullivan 5.3 (Morwell);
Len Hanger 5.10 (Warragul) d. David Nicholson 6 st. (Yallourn).
EXHIBITION BOUT: V. Pearce 11.6 (Erica) staged an exhibition bout with J. Camber 11.6.
J. Backman, Yallourn, was awarded the trophy for the best Yallourn Club winner of the night.
Brian Edwards, Morwell, was awarded a trophy for an excellent showing in a closely contested bout.
A trophy donated for the best boy outside the Yallourn Club was won by J. Burgess-Morwell.
Les. Cox 4.12 (Yallourn) d. N. Wingrave 4.9 (Yallourn);
B. White 5.5 (Yallourn) d. R. White 5.4 (Yallourn);
Colin Foote 4.10 (Yallourn) d. Barry Cox 4.8 (Yallourn);
I. Williams 6.6 (Yallourn) d. V. Wingrave 5.2 (Yallourn);
R. Pedley 6.10 (Yallourn) d. J. Richardson 6 st.(Yallourn);
A. Fisher 4.1'2 (Yallourn) d. R. Finlayson 5.6 (Yallourn);
Jeff Sloan 7.10 (Yallourn) d. J. Kroezen 7.10 (Yallourn);
W. Wood 12.4 (Yallourn) d. R. Bourke 12.5 (Yallourn).
1. In the results, ‘d’ means defeated.
2. *Note above: This is a probably a misprint and should probably read ‘Poelsma.’ Mr Poelsma was a very well-known and popular sporting identity throughout the Latrobe Valley in athletics, soccer and boxing. Jan had astounding levels of fitness and stamina and he was still participating in long distance foot races well into his sixties. It is known that in 1968, at the age of 64 years, he ran in the Traralgon Marathon and finished in the time 3hours 50 minutes and 11 seconds.
3. The Yallourn Boys’ Club was formed sometime in 1950 and had a membership of more than 50 members. The ages of the boys ranged from eight to eighteen years.
4. The local residents involved in the formation and organization of the club in those years included Messrs Jackson, Backman, Smith and George.
5. Further information regarding John Backman can be found by reading Winton’s story of boxing in Yallourn which was published on this website in June 2015.
The article has been copied in good faith and bold type, spacing and larger font size have been used to make the article easier for reading when posted on the website. Our apologies for any spelling errors in transcribing the family names of any of the boys mentioned in the results from the original newspaper report.