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June 2013 Newsletter - Helen Fischer (Hender) YHS 1967 | Helen Fischer (Hender) YHS 1967 |
June 2013 Newsletter - Barbara Elliott (Park) YHS 1950 | Barbara Elliott (Park) YHS 1950: I would like to add to my thoughts and memories on Sonja Bates (Ostlund), a true friend to so many. We had a close association in my early days when originally I lived in Broadway West, just a block from the Ostlund home. A family who lived next door to them (the Watson’s) moved from Yallourn and gave us their little dog, Terry, a black mixed terrier. When we moved to Boola Crescent up on the hill, dear little Terry would move between our new home and Ostlund’s - three days at our place, four at theirs and fed at both respectively. As Terry got older, he… more |
June 2013 Newsletter - Alec Bacon YTS 1945-1952 | Alec Bacon YTS 1945-1952 ... |
June 2012 Newsletter - Stefan Tomasz YHS 1957 | Yallourn – was it part of my imagination or did it really exist? I am always interested to read the reflections of people who either lived in Yallourn or attended Yallourn High School. I wonder if those of my era can relate to my memories? Today there is scant physical evidence that a thriving town of over what, 4000 people? used to nestle in the Latrobe Valley Sure, bits and pieces of the place – such as the bust of Sir John Monash - can be found around the Valley like relics left on a battlefield, but the town itself, the open cut and the… more |
June 2012 Newsletter - Graham Peters YHS 1970 | Graham Peters YHS 1970 wrote about: |
June 2012 Newsletter - Graham Beanland YTS 1942 | CHILDHOOD REFLECTIONS – 10 Years in YALLOURN from 1932 to 1942 |
June 2011 Newsletter - Linda Apakian (Hamilton) YHS 1961 | Linda Apakian (Hamilton) YHS 1961 wrote: This story involves myself and Wendy Parker (now Surman) while at Yallourn High School from 1961–1964. Every Wednesday afternoon was ‘Sports Day’ which, of course, all students had to attend, and Wendy and I did – occasionally – well, very occasionally! I actually liked sport but didn’t like the second-hand sports tunic I had to wear, I desperately wanted a brand new one with those great pleats, instead of the old, faded, circular style skirt that I had. God knows who had jumped, bounced around… more |
June 2011 Newsletter - Lesla Saraghi (Fankhauser) YHS 1952 | Lesla Saraghi (Fankhauser) YHS 1952 wrote after attending the last reunion: I am very glad I went. It was so interesting meeting fellow students from over 50 years ago, the years roll off when you are amongst your peer group. Everyone seems to have aged well and their memories are still intact. People recognised me and that was the biggest pleasure. My mother, Marj Fankhauser is 94 this year and she loved the afternoon - everyone made a fuss of her which my sister, Val and I loved. It was quite palpable the bond there is between Yallournites, I felt the bonding as soon as I… more |
June 2011 Newsletter - Helen Fischer (Hender) YHS 1967 | Helen Fischer (Hender) YHS 1967 wrote an article: Jottings of Yallourn Wasn’t everyone who lived in Yallourn part of Scouts, Guides, Cubs or Brownies? We used to wear our uniforms to school, as Brownies was straight after at 4.00pm. Our Brown Owl was Joy Long (who lived up the road from us) and Mrs MacRae was Tawny. I will never forget some of the jamborees we went to - must have been a Saturday afternoon. Walked there with next door neighbour Cub, Chris Beaver. The Scouts built a flying fox which was fun. Everyone played catch with an old paint tin lid as a frisbee (before… more |
June 2011 Newsletter - Graham Peters YHS 1970 | Graham Peters YHS 1970 wrote: The Gully (between two hills) Childhood in 1960’s Yallourn was a privilege. We lived on the fringe of the town, hard under the reservoir in Hazelwood Crescent, but with open fields and bush on our doorstep. My earliest friend, Rodney LeLievre, lived in the next street; a beautiful and kind little girl, Kim Boyd, across the road; indulgent parents and older sisters at home. There was not a lot of money around, but abundant love in a safe and caring community. It was an era without television (well not in our house; Rodney’s family had a… more |