This story was published in the ‘Morwell Advertiser’ and reports on the opening of the Yallourn High School in 1945. The article also lists the names of the teachers of the school and their qualifications. Like the history of schooling in all country towns, Yallourn was no exception to the various changes that transpired in Victorian education following the end of World War :II.
From the most humble of beginnings in 1922, the Primary School (4085) opened with 15 students; pupil enrolment increased and some six years later, secondary classes were introduced.
While the Yallourn Technical School, which opened in 1928, provided a sound education for the boys of the district; it wasn’t until some years later that the Yallourn Higher Elementary School (H.E.S below) offered girls genuine vocational choices in their studies.
It must have been a most exciting time in the lives of the young people of the town when the Yallourn High School opened its doors on that day in 1945.
It is recorded that in 1945 there were 300 students at YHS. In the period 1946 to 1953 the enrolment had more than doubled to 625 students.
The Yallourn High School played a central role in the lives of hundreds of local children and, as history shows, the school served the families of Yallourn very well indeed until its closure in 1977.
Note: The headline for the story was ‘Yallourn H School.’ Lack of column space prevented the word ‘High’ being written. Several parts of the original copy of the article were difficult to read; and it is hoped that the letters for each teacher’s qualifications are correct in this transcription.
February 15th 1945 ‘Morwell Advertiser’ Page: 6

Yallourn H School
The newly established Yallourn High School was opened on Tuesday, February 6th, with an enrolment of 290. It is anticipated that the final total will be over 300. This is an excellent result and fully justifies the need for a High School in this district.
Approximately 140 students are conveyed by bus. The students enrolled come from Yallourn, Morwell, Moe, Trafalgar, Traralgon, Brown Coal Mine and Yinnar districts.
In the change-over from the H. E.S. to the High School, the range of subjects for Leaving Certificate has been increased, and now includes: English, French, History or Economics, Geography, Chemistry, Commercial Principles and Practice, Drawing, Maths I and Maths II. Physics is taken at the Technical School.
For the third year students, Domestic Science has been included, and a course has been planned so as to enable the students to obtain their Intermediate Certificates with subjects which will include Commercial Practice and Commercial Principles, Short hand, Typing and Domestic Science.
For the second year students, needle work, as well as cookery, has been provided for all the girls, the boys will do woodwork and metalwork at the Technical School.
The members of the staff of the Yallourn High School are as follows:
• Head Master: Mr J. Menadue, B.A. Dip. Ed.
• Senior Mistress: Miss A. Callinan, M.A. Dip. Ed.
• Senior Master: Mr E.T.D Graham: B. Com. Dip. Ed.
• Miss A. Jensen. Dom. Arts and Diploma of Cookery.
• Miss J. Stephens,
• Miss K. M. Hewitt. B.A. Dip. Ed. L.R.S.M., A. Mus. A.
• Miss K. Rumbold.
• Miss I. N. Kemp T.P.T.C.
• Mrs M. Scherm, T. TC. D.T.S.C.:
• Mr L. L. Young, T.P.T.C.:
• Mr J. Coffey and Miss E.J. Barclay.
The above article from the ‘Morwell Advertiser’ has been faithfully reproduced. The only amendments to the original copy are the font style, font size, the use of bullet points and spacing so as to enhance the article for purposes of posting on the Virtual Yallourn website.
If readers have any memories, memorabilia or photographs of schooldays at Yallourn please feel welcome to contact Julie to arrange posting on the website. Thank you.