Jim Sullivan YHS 1955 - Does anyone remember the old swimming pool? OMG YUK!...It would be drained every year into the OPEN CUT....And all the bike parts....bike tyres...and BIKES...along with old wheelbarrows..and certain unmentionables (ha ha) would be exposed.....But we loved it!!!! It had 2 jetties...a diving board....along with the mud and reeds....It was great fun at the school sports to wait expectantly as the swimmers competing in the UNDERWATER SWIM SURFACED!!! Many of them finished in the reeds!!!!....Many surfacing with bewildered looks!!!! Then it was announced we were getting a new OLYMPIC POOL!!!!! We didn’t know what that was!!! But it sounded good!!!! Eventually it was finished but.....not officially open...so a few of us used to wait until dark....climb over the fence...and...very quietly...enjoy a moonlight swim ever mindful of the S.E.C. Patrolmen cruising around town on their rounds. We never got caught but I suspect they knew!!!!!...Remember when TV came to Yallourn? Everyone would assemble outside SHINES FURNITURE STORE on Sunday nights to watch ROBIN HOOD!!!I REMEMBER IT ALL ....AND I MISS IT !!!!!!

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The building in the background, behind the jetty, is the dressing shed and to the right of that is the old kiosk that was the residence and shop operated by Mr & Mrs Melbourne who ran it for years!!! The jetty was where all swimming races were started from in the school sports.