Noelene Mays (Heskey) YHS 1966 wrote: "Terry and I still have the coffee shop at the steam railway station - he does amazing things with coffee and I must admit that my scones have a reputation too. The shop is open every day except Tuesdays. I am still chairman of, the steam train company based here in Atherton. You can check out our website at and leave some feedback. As one of the hardworking volunteers that puts in probably 40 hours a week at least, I am looking forward to standing down as chairman at the AGM later in the year. Can you believe the irony of our situation though, I was born and bred in Yallourn, a coal town, and have vivid memories of coal dust everywhere. our steam train operates on coal!! There seems to be no getting away from it. I live 3,500 km from where I was born and the coal we use on the train has to be transported from central Qld - about 800 km from here. Mum and Dad are still well. They celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary last Xmas Eve. They are both in their mid eighties now, John is living in Churchill now. I am in regular contact with an ex-Yallournite up here. - Alan Stephens (YHS approx 1g6s). He apparently remembers John and quite a few of that year. He used to live in Yallourn North and his parents are now at Mirboo North. Alan and his wife live at Tolga - about 5 km from here and I met him when his son, chris, becamé a volunteer at R.A.l.L.Co. I remember his sister Pauline who was behind us a year or two at school. Small world! I am now in touch with Ketty Kelava-Ward by email and occasionally with Warren & Jenny Pye, Apart from that I've lost touch with everyone else, but I do look forward to the YOGA newsletter; it does bring back memories of faces long forgotten. Regards to all, Noelene.