A story that hit the headlines in the paper in the early 60's - a guy in the West Camp died in his unit. When it was being cleaned up, they found a cat of nine tails and other "implements" along with film and tape recordings. On the film there was evidence of a group of men that danced naked around a fire in the hills accross the road from the Power Staion, heading up to Yallourn North. The nasty part is there was a dead body involved - it was an elderly lady who was the housekeeper for the Catholic Parish Priest in Trafalgar. She was buried in the Traf cemetery, but the body was stolen on the night she was buried. The body was used in their rituals. The voice recording described things that were done to the body. There was a Coroners Court, come inquest etc conducted in Yallourn. No-one was identified as being involved - but of course there was a lot of speculation. It was quite a scandal and had everyone intrigued as the story unfolded. From memory, it would have been around 1961/62. It would be interesting to see if people can remember the events etc....KB
I remember this event. The
I remember this event. The SUN, the TRUTH and other metro papers had a few field days with this story. A search of the papers local and metro would add the detail.