Move in Year
Move out year

The door handles were so high that the kids couldn't open the doors till well after they started school!
Memories of playing at one of the many parks within walking distance of our house (5?) without the parents worrying where we were.
Buying bags of lollies at the Heather Grove shop for 5 cents.
Brownies and Guides.
Mum chopping up a red-belly black snake with a spade when all the local kids were playing in the yard and putting it in a container for dad to check it was dead when he came home from work.
Going to play in the bush or at the clay hills.
Learning to ride my bike along the footpath on the Hazelwood Cres side of the house.
Grandma & Grandpa visiting from England.
Falling asleep at friends' houses when our parents stayed late at BBQs.
Climbing trees and making 'world' for the Star Wars characters in the back yard.
Long days at the swimming pool.
Sitting upstairs at the picture theatre.
Concerts in Kernot Hall.
Immunisations at the Health Centre.
The Library.
Dinner at the pub after hockey and collect horse chestnuts in Broadway Gardens.
My brother and friends riding their billy carts all the way from our place to the centre of town because by the end, there was almost no traffic, then dialing from the phones outside the post office with no money to get mum to come in the Kingswood Station Wagon to pick them up (if you shouted fast enough you could get your message across before the phone cut out!)
ABC local news featuring Yallourn at the start of the broadcast (a different town each week) and seeing mum going into the post office.
Houses being removed on trucks.
It still makes me sad thinking about what we lost. It was a truly beautiful town...Rachel

Immediate Neighbours: 22 - Kirby/Reilly; 18 - Lowe
Nearby Neighbours: 21 - Wilbraham; 25 or 1 Tanjil Pl - Mair