David Andrew YHS 1949
(Photo attached)
This is Dr Andrew’s son and we were privileged to have both he and his sister, Judith, at our reunion in March. He wrote: I am writing to commend you on the superb planning and organisation that you, your committee and many volunteers put in to making the YOGA reunions happen. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of seeing so much of the memorabilia that has been accumulated even though at times, I found it emotionally draining revisiting many of those 'places' of my childhood. Often in those twilight moments before drifting off to sleep, I have very vivid daydreams of walking through the town, particularly across the square towards that magnificent theatre with its Art Deco proscenium and huge golden curtains. I found the photograph most disturbing of the proscenium with the back knocked out and a pile of rubble showing. It was good to have a few friends from the past around to bring me back to reality. Thanks again for your help in making my visit very comfortable and rewarding and I look forward to attending similar events in the future. Now that I know the ropes, the process will be a lot easier. The Woorabinda school camp is a wonderful venue for such gatherings